Monday, November 28, 2011

Eight Weeks of Something Different

As the above title suggests, I have eight weeks of traditional work here in the United States: carpal-tunnel-related, weight-gaining, eye-straining work. All of which pays homage to the theme of this blog, but probably won't thrill you to the edge of your chair. However, I have received emails from a bunch of you inquiring as to where they can get their weekly or biweekly dose of African adventures (which is truly, truly touching, it means a lot to me). So to honor their request, I'll be supplementing the blog until I return to Africa instead of laying this beast into a two-month wintry hibernation.

For the next eight weeks, I will try to give you ten to fifteen segments of my writings (as some of you know, I am in and out of the process of publishing a book depending on my vacillating levels of responsibility and the whims of my publisher, who is fantastic and merciful if they are reading this). It'll be a combination of my interviews with the fairer occupation of privateering soldier and glimpses into the world of the legal and illegal gemstone trade in Africa through my post-adolescent eye.

It relates to the blog, it'll keep me on point, hopefully you will find it enjoyable and the first one will appear tomorrow. So for eight weeks before I can once again convey live blogging from foreign lands, I hope you enjoy.

Check in tomorrow at your most convenient awkward moment: Instead of pretending to read nonexistent text messages, you can read inconsistent prose,


(you can even receive these posts by email)

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